Chamber music
Harp tuition
Internationally regarded as one Europe's finest harp teachers Elinor Bennett has a long and distinguished career and experience of teaching at all levels Masterclasses, one-to-one tuition and group workshops Tuition and advice to new Harp Teachers Highest quality tuition from beginners to post-graduate level lessons at Caernarfon or Cardiff consultation lessons by internet connection.
Coaching for auditions, competitions etc Lecture-recitals on the history of the harp.
Past experience includes :
Director of Harp Studies at Bangor University
Director of Wales International Harp Festivals
Visiting Professor at the Royal Academy of Music and Guildhall School of Music, London
Past students include many distinguished harpists
Masterclasses, concerts and teaching sessions in Holland, Germany, Belgium, Russia, USA, Australia, Japan, Thailand, Hungary, Austria, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, France.
Datganiadau Unigol
Cerddoriaeth siambr
Darlith – Ddatganiadau
Hyfforddiant telyn
Cydnabyddir mai Elinor Bennett yw un o brif athrawon y delyn yn Ewrop ac mae ganddi brofiad helaeth a disglair, a gall gynnig :
Dosbarthiadau meistr
Hyfforddiant a chyngor i athrawon newydd
Hyfforddiant o’r safon uchaf ar bob lefel o ddechreuwyr hyd at safon Uwch-radd – yng Nghaernarfon neu Gaerdydd.
Gwersi ymgynghorol trwy gysylltiad ar y we
Coaching arbenigoli baratoi at arholiad neu gystadleuaeth arbennig
Darlithoedd yn cynnwys darnau ac enghreifftiau cerddorol am hanes y delyn
Mae profiad blaenorol yn cynnwys :
Cyfarwyddo astudiaethau telyn ym Mhrifysgol Bangor am 30 mlynedd.
Cyfarwyddwraig Gwyliau Telyn Rhyngwladol Cymru yn 2006 a 2010.
Athrawes Ymweliadol yn yr Academi Gerdd Frenhinol, ac Ysgol Gerdd Guildhall, Llundain.
Disgyblion yn cynnwys llawer telynores enwog.
Dosbarthiadau, gweithdai a gwersi unigol yn yr Iseldireodd,Yr Almaen, Rwsia, Unol Daleithiau, Awstralia, Japan, Gwlad Thai Gwlad Belg, USA, Hwwngari, Awstria, Iwerddon, Denmarc, Norwy a Ffrainc .